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Written on: May 24th, 2017 in Education and Outreach, Wetland Restoration
By Brittany Haywood, DNREC’s Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program What is one way to give a marsh a lift with the challenge of rising seas? Spray the muddy material that has been dredged up from the bottom of a creek in a thin layer on top of the marsh. But how much mud is too […]
Written on: December 9th, 2016 in Education and Outreach
By Mary Rivera and Debra Forest, DNREC’s Division of Fish and Wildlife Aquatic Resources Education Center The quiet of a peaceful morning in the Woodland Beach saltmarsh is interrupted by a flock of 60 lively fifth grade students. Squeals of delight emanate from several of the children at the fish station where they get a […]
Written on: March 14th, 2016 in Education and Outreach
By Brittany Haywood, DNREC’s Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program Winter storms and nor-easters brought excess rainfall, rough seas, and unseasonably high tides to Delaware this winter, highlighting the value of nature’s first line of defense against coastal storms; wetlands. Up and down Delaware’s coast, roadways were made impassable due to rising seas, buildings were battered by […]
Written on: December 19th, 2015 in Education and Outreach
By Brittany Haywood, DNREC’s Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program Coastal Plain Seasonal Ponds, also called Delmarva Bays, are small, shallow, seasonally-wet areas. They are fed by groundwater, rain or snow and usually fill up in winter and spring and dry out in summer and fall. Often surrounded by woodlands, the inner (wetter) zones feature a […]
Written on: July 15th, 2015 in Education and Outreach
By Brittany Haywood, DNREC’s Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program The Wetland Warrior Award is presented annually by our program to an individual or organization that has acted to benefit Delaware’s wetlands through outreach and education, monitoring, restoration or protection. This year we would like to recognize two recipients that have dedicated significant amounts of time […]
Written on: July 15th, 2015 in Education and Outreach
By Brittany Haywood, DNREC’s Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program Delaware is host to roughly 320,000 acres of wetlands that vary in salinity, soil type and vegetation. Since the early 1700’s, Delaware has lost 1/2 of its wetlands and they continue to be lost or degraded at an alarming rate. There is a healthy network of […]