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Status and Trends: Wetland Changes

Written on: March 16th, 2022 in Wetland Assessments

By Alison Rogerson, Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program By now, you may have read through our previous Status and Trends blog posts focused on current acreage, or status, of wetlands, as well as trends such as gains and losses. There is still one trends category to dive into: changes. This is probably the most difficult […]

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Small Steps, Big Impact: New Resource Available for Waterfront Property Owners to Help Protect the Inland Bays

Written on: March 14th, 2022 in Outreach

By Caitlin Chaney, Delaware Center for the Inland Bays In the last 30 years, the population across the Delaware Inland Bays watershed has surged. The Inland Bays is a special place to live, but growing development brings challenges to the watershed and those who live within it. Climate change, sea level rise, and nutrient pollution […]

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What’s Beneath the Surface? World Water Day 2022

Written on: March 14th, 2022 in Outreach

By Olivia McDonald, Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program Finally, it’s here! The holiday we all have never really heard of. It might be true that only folks working in the realms of nature know of this environmental festivity. So I figured hey, why not spread the word on something that actually impacts every single one […]

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Exploring Low Marsh Ecology: The Three Contenders

Written on: March 14th, 2022 in OutreachWetland Animals

By Kayla Clauson, DNREC’s Watershed Assessment and Management Section If you’ve followed the WMAP blog for some time, there is no lack of evidence how important salt marshes and other wetlands are. Here, I will dive deeper on salt marsh ecology with a focus on the low marsh zone. First, here are some important fast […]

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Status and Trends: Wetland Losses 2007-2017

Written on: December 14th, 2021 in Wetland Assessments

By Alison Rogerson, Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program In this fourth installment reviewing the results of DNREC’s ten year wetland mapping update and Status and Trends analysis, we’re digging up the dirt on wetland losses. This is likely the wetland topic with the most sensitivity. People who value wetlands are upset that they are being […]

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Interview with a Wetland: Wading in a Critical Habitat

Written on: December 8th, 2021 in Outreach

By Olivia McDonald, Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program Get ready to get down and dirty as we wade into Delaware’s wetland habitats for an interview. No better way to get to know wetlands than by chatting with one. Today we’re interviewing Delaware’s wetlands. Thanks for taking the time to join us today for a chat! […]

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Wetland Acreage Status in Delaware

Written on: March 22nd, 2021 in Wetland Assessments

By Erin Dorset, Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program (WMAP) Back in December, WMAP introduced you to DNREC’s new 2017 wetlands maps. Since then, WMAP has been hard at work finalizing a report detailing the status and trends of wetlands throughout the State of Delaware. Soon, the entire report will be available, but in the meantime, […]

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Wetland Carnivorous Plants… nothing to be afraid of

Written on: March 5th, 2020 in Outreach

Man-eating plants are a thing of sci-fi movies, they will send vines out to capture you or leap at you and consume you but back in the real-world carnivorous plants are a real thing. The world consists of more then 600 known species of carnivorous plants that use varying tactics to capture and digest their prey.

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Rising Seas in the Mid-Atlantic

Written on: March 5th, 2020 in Living ShorelinesOutreachWetland Restorations

Although it is happening around the world, there are some spots that are being affected more than others. The Mid-Atlantic Coast—including Delaware—is experiencing one of the highest rates of sea level rise in the U.S, second only to the Gulf Coast.

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Wetlands and their Plant Invaders

Written on: December 11th, 2019 in Outreach

You don’t have to own 20 acres of flooded fields to make a difference! There are many common wetland stressors that are not an easy fix, such as ditching and channel straightening but addressing invasive plants is a great place to start.

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