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Hello Homeowners! Gardening with Wetlands in Mind

Written on: July 22nd, 2024 in Natural ResourcesOutreach

By Olivia Allread, DNREC’s Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program Get your gloves out and your hoses turned on, we’re going to the garden to get to know wetlands in this blog installment. Now the hobby of gardening may seem like a daunting task, and taking care of plants may seem even more challenging to the […]

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Meaningful Mangroves: A Vital Coastal Wetland

Written on: September 22nd, 2023 in Natural ResourcesOutreach

By Olivia Allread, DNREC’s Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program Magical forest, walking trees, mangals, snorkeling roots – this habitat can be called by many names. With a worldwide distribution in tropical to warm temperature latitudes, mangrove forests are not only incredible ecosystems, but a key player in climate resiliency and human livelihood. If you’ve been […]

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Highlighting Hispanic Heritage Month: A Year in Environmental Consulting: Green-Colored Lenses

Written on: September 22nd, 2023 in Natural ResourcesOutreach

By Beatrice Arce, MANO Project Fellow with the Hispanic Access Foundation In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, we partnered with the Hispanic Access Foundation’s MANO Project (My Access to Network Opportunities) to share Latino communities experiences and work with natural resources. Conservation or environmental jobs, relationships with nature, climate change – the MANO Fellows have […]

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Highlighting Hispanic Heritage Month: Endangered Species Intern

Written on: September 22nd, 2023 in Natural ResourcesOutreach

By Alondra Ureña, MANO Project Fellow with the Hispanic Access Foundation In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, we partnered with the Hispanic Access Foundation’s MANO Project (My Access to Network Opportunities) to share Latino communities experiences and work with natural resources. Conservation or environmental jobs, relationships with nature, climate change – the MANO Fellows have […]

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5 Frogs Coming to a Wetland Near You

Written on: March 24th, 2023 in OutreachWetland Animals

By Olivia Allread, DNREC’s Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program Ah, the start of spring. We all have our own personal odes to season. Many of us wait for that 70-degree day, some prepare gardens for planting, while others set the date to do that annual “cleaning” and get the dust off their ceiling fan blades. […]

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An Evolving Future: The Path of Environmental Justice

Written on: July 13th, 2022 in Outreach

By Olivia Allread, Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program Science and reality of our current times shows that certain groups in society carry unequal economic and environmental burdens. The food we eat, the air we breathe, our water sources, and indeed our overall health depend on a clean and sustainable environment. Unfortunately, the benefits of an […]

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