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May is American Wetlands Month

Written on: May 30th, 2016 in Outreach

lewes-install-complete2015American Wetlands Month was established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1991 as a way to bring federal, state, and local organizations together to highlight the importance of wetlands to the environment, the economy, and the nation’s citizens.

“American Wetlands Month is a great time to discover the importance of wetlands and the significant benefits they provide,” said DNREC Secretary David Small. “Wetlands contribute to the quality of life in Delaware by protecting people and property from flooding and coastal storms, filtering pollutants from water, increasing fish and wildlife habitat and helping reduce the impacts of sea level rise. Efforts to protect and restore wetlands are critical to ensuring their economically valuable services.”

In support of American Wetlands Month, we have organized programs that raise awareness about wetland health and benefits, and encourage actions to protect them.Wetland Apprentice Banner
